Friday, March 11, 2011

Taj Mahal was not built in a day

Perhentian Island, Terengganu

Or any other big enormous famous architectures/buildings. I was thinking about myself, about what I want to do in life, in a way that I know it’s impossible to do, hence the topic. It’s possible, and it’s going to take some time, long time maybe. I am in a state where I see everything around me is so wrong. Except for one thing of course, but sometimes, that one thing decides to add up and roll together with all the initial problems. Haha. Boo-hoo.

Growing up and being an adult is not as easy as I thought. It’s very challenging and very nerves racking. I’m not sure if this is a good thing with me taking responsibility so early. But I believe everything is written up there and I, as a servant have to put up with every challenge that is given to me. Insyaallah.

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