i can take it if someone burp around me once or twice because maybe they can't control it after some meals. butttt, when a person keep on burping for like every 5 minutes, itu pencemaran bunyi derr! haih.
its not even 2 weeks yet, but it feels like 2 years already. hahaahaha. bajets!
Austin is really a good place to live, but without preparing the canned foods and everything, i can't live here more than a week. i'm the type of person that loves nasi lemak too much, and if i really need to stay here for a long period of time, i will bring along all the things that is possible to make a nasi lemak, ayam masak merah, sardin and all. hahahaha. 2 more days! and i cant wait.
p/s: going back to kelantan on 26th. might be going for perhentian for a day. just to clear my mind off. its just a plan. or maybe just chillax kat kampung. we'll see.