Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Dancing Queen.

convo dinner 2007

2006 - Convocation Dinner
2007 - Convocation Dinner
2008 - Maybe yes Maybe not.

I dont know. I want to join the event as performer again but, im not sure because of many reason. First thing is, during that convo weekend, i noe i wont be able to lepak2 with my frens and all the graduates, ena, maliq, romy, because i have many training and rehearsal for sure. And its time consuming. I love, really love to hang out with all the dancers but at the same time, i want to hang out with my frens. lepak2.gossip2.main kad. n everything. i noe im gonna miss all that.

Second is , this year, once i've finish my internship, is my final year. well, orang kata la kan, final year nnt busy. tp tak tau la canne. im kinda lazy. i rarely study and most of the time i spent in ffront of my laptop, browsing thru the files, kemas2 the files, tapi tak study pon. kadang2 if im bored, 'hey, jom pegi saloon. bosanla tak buat ape' instead of study. ape lar. kan bagus kalau study. so how im gonna balanced my study during my final year, at the same time, dancing. plus all the kad,gossip,muvies,series,sleep. haih. im dead.

UPAG is fun, crazy, happy, tensed, funny, kind, helpful.
UPAG is everything.
I love them. I love UPAG.
help me. please?

p/s : tapi aku tau, aku masih inginkan. sekian.

tak ready lagi lar.

faizah dan baby - 7bulan.i think.

mereka yg sudah tua.

oh btw, UPAG is UTP Performing Art Group.

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